
Winter Solstice Herbs and Rituals
Discover incredible herbs to use during winter and the winter solstice. Learn about their health benefits, modern uses, traditional folklore and rituals. Mugwort, Calendula, Rosemary,...
Amazing and Easy Breathing Technique for Better Gut Health
Gut-directed breathwork is an incredible tool, proven to cleanse and detoxify that body, sending the nervous system into a mode of security and helping us...
The Best Gut-Loving Mocktail Recipes and Tips
Nature provides us with a plethora of herbs and spices that not only tantalize our taste buds but also offer incredible benefits. Ginger, turmeric, mint, and...
Natural Remedies for Digestion and to Bust the Belly Bloat Post-Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving: a sure way to get belly bloat. There are many natural gut-friendly options that are great for supporting digestion, easing gas and feeling less...
An Opportunity to Slow Down
What if I told you that you can accomplish your goals by slowing down? What would it feel like if you actually took more breaks? Here...
Poetry: Pura Vida
This is a poem that calls to slowing down and loving the abundance found in stillness! I wrote it after my Flower Essences Practitioner training with...
Positive Steps for Creating Actionable Change in your Health
After seeing many clients over the last year through my practice as a Clinical Herbalist, I've observed a few trends of where people struggle to...
Loving Self-Care: DIY Massage & Herbal Oil Recipe
Winter days take a toll on our bodies. Feeling meh and dreaming of beach vacations? These simple self-care techniques are great for enhancing mood, stimulating...
The Best Immune-Supporting Herbs in the Winter Season
Winter is a time for slowing down, for rest. In Ayurveda this is known as the Vata season, where air and ether are most dominant....
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