The Best Gut-Loving Mocktail Recipes and Tips

The Best Gut-Loving Mocktail Recipes and Tips

Posted by Laura Rubin on



The journey to a happy, healthy radiant belly can sometimes feel challenging.  Folks are increasingly opting for alcohol-free or zero-proof drinks as we prioritize honoring our bodies.

Non-alcoholic beverages are on the rise. A recent Nielsen report shares that non-alcoholic sales actually grew over 20% from 2021-2022. Yet many of these options are still very sugary or made with added chemicals.

Fortunately, nature provides us with a plethora of herbs and spices that not only tantalize our taste buds but also offer incredible benefits. Ginger, turmeric, mint, and chamomile are among these culinary treasures. These herbs are celebrated for their digestive properties and gut-soothing effects, as well as many other health benefits.

As an herbalist and plant enthusiast, I'm all about crafting DIY herbal mocktails. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on these. You can easily craft drinks that taste delicious, boost your mood and leave you feeling refreshed the next day.

Here are 3 fantastic gut-friendly diy mocktail recipes. Enjoy them day or night. Treat yourself to these delightful herbal drinks whenever you like. They’re sure to be a hit at your next party. 


Mix flavors and taste profiles


A great tasting mocktail has a beautiful balance of flavors that excite the tastebuds. Just as we know from Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat by Samin Nosrat, a balance of elements helps make our mouths happier. And with herbs, a balance in taste and energetics can also help more functionally support us for a healthier lifestyle.

In this way, we can look at 4 key taste components: bitter, spicy, sweet and sour. Below are great herbs and fruits that match these profiles!

  • Bitter: Orange, Gentian Root, Dandelion Root
  • Spicy: Ginger, Turmeric, Cardamom, Star Anise, Peppers
  • Sweet: Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Peaches
  • Sour: Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit

Pro Herbal Tip : Start with 1-3 herbs, don't overdo it! Understand what you're mixing. 

Lean into Seasonality and Time of Day



Buying seasonally and locally means we get our herbs when they're at their freshest - with strong volatile oils, strong flavor profiles and rich with health benefits. Like with produce, we can opt for seasonal herbs that help make the mocktails more fun to switch things up.  Try cooling herbs in the Spring and Summer, warming herbs in Fall and the Winter.

  • Cooling: Mints, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Milky Oats, Hibiscus
  • Warming: Turmeric, Ginger, Rosemary, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Coriander, Cardamom

Some plants are energizing & better for day, others are more calming and restful for night.

  • Energizing: Ginseng, Ginkgo, Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng), Matcha, caffeinated teas & coffee
  • Calming/Rest Inducing: Chamomile, Mugwort, Tulsi (Holy Basil), Vervains, Lavender




Women using mint for mocktails

Before you start, here are helpful simple DIY tips for making mocktails.

  1. Bubbly water is your friend! If feasible, get a kitchen gadget where you can make sparkling water yourself. This will save you lots of money and is also more environmentally-friendly, eliminating the use of plastic bottles or cans.
  2. A small amount of syrups, bitters and shrubs can go a long way. Add in ice and bubbly water.
  3. Store syrups and shrubs in the fridge. They should last a few weeks. Throw out if you see lots of cloudiness, fermentation or mold.
  4. Incorporate milks (dairy/non-dairy) for a thicker, creamier mocktail.
  5. If pregnant or lactating, check which herbs are safe to use.
  6. Consult with your doctor if you have any questions or concerns on what's right for you.



Kitchen tools used for diy herbal mocktails

Below you’ll see instructions for muddling and using a cocktail shaker with these recipes. They are great tools to have. However, if you don’t have them - fret not! There are easy ways to replace them.

In place of a muddler, you could use a mortar and pestle. Or you could even squeeze the herbs through a small press like a garlic peeler. This helps release some of the fresh plant’s juices. You can take the herbs out of the press and add them into the cup for mixing with a blunt tool like a wooden spoon. Note, a press will only work with fresh herbs that have water content.

In place of a cocktail shaker, you could use 2 cups placed within each other. The cup on top will be upside down and have to be slightly smaller than the cup on bottom so that it can fit securely into the opening.


Ginger Bliss Mocktail


Ginger Bliss Mocktail

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is revered for its warm, spicy flavor and has been a go-to digestive herb for centuries. It is known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic benefits, making it an ideal ingredient for gut-friendly mocktails. This simple yet spicy drink is incredibly refreshing. It can also kickstart the metabolism!

Prep Time: 10-15 minutes
Yield: 2 servings
Tools: cocktail shaker, muddler, knife or peeler, citrus squeezer (optional)


  • 3 inches of fresh ginger, peeled and sliced 
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (or agave or maple syrup for a vegan option)
  • 2 cups of sparkling water
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • Ice cubes
  • Fresh mint leaves for garnish
Ginger, orange and mint

    Recipe Instructions:

    1. Peel and chop ginger into thin, minced pieces.
    2. In a cocktail shaker, muddle the ginger slices with honey or vegan syrup until well combined.
    3. Squeeze fresh lemon juice into the shaker, then add ice cubes and shake well.
    4. Strain the mixture into a glass filled with ice. You may get some of the ginger pieces pouring directly into the cup. This is very nice for an added kick!
    5. Top off with sparkling water.
    6. Rinse fresh mint leaves and add as garnish.

    DIY TIP:  Before garnishing, snap the fresh mint leaves across the side of your hand. This helps release the volatile oils, making the drink smell amazingVoila! You now have a delicious spicy, ginger and lemon mocktail.

    Turmeric Sunshine Mocktail


    Turmeric (Curcuma longa), with its vibrant yellow color and earthy flavor, is a powerhouse of medicinal herbs. Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, is renowned for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and digestive properties. This bright and flavorful herbal drink is like a tropical vacation in a glass!

    Prep Time: 6-8 minutes
    Yield: 2 servings
    Tools: spoon, glass, cocktail shaker, citrus squeezer (optional)


    • 2 teaspoons of ground turmeric
    • 2 tablespoons of honey (or agave or maple syrup for a vegan option)
    • 2 cups of coconut water
    • 2 fresh oranges, juiced
    • Ice cubes
    • Orange slices for garnish


      Recipe Instructions:

      1. In a cocktail shaker, mix ground turmeric with honey or vegan syrup until it forms a paste.
      2. Squeeze fresh oranges. Add the juice and stir until it is well combined. 
      3. Add in ice cubes, then shake well in the cocktail shaker.
      4. Pour liquid into a glass with ice. 
      5. Add the coconut water into the glass. Stir.
      6. Garnish with orange slices.

      The Turmeric Sunshine Mocktail is so delightful and refreshing! I used blood oranges which were in season at the farmers’ market. This will give the drink a darker color. It will be brighter with other kinds of oranges. 

      Mint and Chamomile Digestive Delight


      Mint (Mentha spp) is a beloved culinary herb with a cool and invigorating flavor. It helps support normal gut health and is historically known to provide relief from indigestion. Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) is an excellent bitter - helping to kickstart the digestive process - while also being soothing and relaxing.  Combined together, these herbs provide beautiful flavor and are a belly-friendly combo!

      Prep Time: 20 minutes (includes time to brew and cool tea)
      Yield: 2 drinks
      Tools: Tea Kettle, cocktail shaker, muddler


      • 30-40 fresh mint leaves
      • 2 tablespoons of honey (or a sweetener of your choice)
      • 2 cups of chamomile tea, cooled
      • 1/2 cup of coconut milk (from a container, not can)
      • Ice cubes
      • Fresh mint sprigs for garnish
      • Powdered cinnamon or cardamom (optional, for spicier effect)
      Mint and Chamomile Ingredients


      Recipe Instructions:

      1. In a cocktail shaker, muddle the fresh mint leaves with honey until fragrant.
      2. Pour in the cooled chamomile tea and stir well.
      3. Add ice cubes. Shake well in the cocktail shaker.
      4. Pour into glass with ice.
      5. Slowly pour in the coconut milk, allowing it to create a layered effect. Then stir.
      6. Garnish with fresh mint sprigs.

      DIY TIP: For a spicier drink, sprinkle powdered cinnamon or cardamom on top.

      The Mint and Chamomile Digestive Delight is a soothing and calming mocktail that can make you tastebuds and tummy happy. 

      Final Words on Herbs in Mocktails

      These herbs are nature's gifts, offering a wide range of flavor and benefits to promote overall wellness. Let’s toast to the power of herbal beverages! And cheers to you!

      If you'd like to have these recipes printed, along with other amazing recipes, you can get them from Beauty in Bloom.

      This is an incredible book of 90+ pages of recipes, tips and great herbal knowledge about wellness from within. It is a collaboration between me and other herbalists.




      Disclaimer: The information above is purely educational and cannot substitute professional medical advice. It is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose medical conditions. Consult with a medical professional if you have any concerns.

      diy ginger herbal hacks herbalism holistic health mind-gut connection Nurture peppermint turmeric

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